SpringAnnual chum salmon release in April.
Chum salmon egg take and spawn at Alouette River and Morten Creek hatchery site.
SummerHatchery floor is replaced, and new door with keyless lock is added, to improve security.
SummerWith a donation from the Osprey Flyfishers club, volunteers from the community and the Royal Bank undertake a major stream rehabilitation to mitigate damage done by 1999 landslide, and create new salmon and frog habitat
SpringVandalism disrupts the water supply to the hatchery, and causes most of the coho eggs to perish. However, chum eggs escape relatively unscathed.
Media coverage generates a lot of interest in the project, including Royal Bank Edgemont Village branch.
Two days after the vandalism, volunteers release chum fry at Bridgman Park.
SummerRoyal Bank employees volunteer to do storm drain marking and coho fry release in Lynn Valley
SpringZo Ann helps co-ordinate and attends 5th SEP Community workshop held in Surrey BC.
Launch of Streamkeepers On-Line Data Base and Data Entry Tool
FallA major landslide almost completely fills in the creek bed, nearly destroying spawning areas and possible coho redds. Work to repair was done in 2001.
The District of North Vancouver diverts a creek that formerly drained into the leachate containment system, giving Morten Creek another fresh water source.
Morten Creek SEP is used as a location for the Leslie Neilson film "Wrongfully Accused"
FallSEHAB members come to Morten Creek SEP on a field trip.
Morten Creek volunteers continue to go to Indian River to gather chum eggs for incubation in the new heath trays.
Lynn Creek coho brood stock is captured by volunteer anglers.
SpringFourth SEP Community Conference is held at Royal Roads University in Victoria.
New shipping container is purchased to replace the old one that was damaged in the previous winter
First major stream rehabilition since 1989, pools are dug and slope is increased.
Generator is purchased, to provide power during winter months.
FallMorten Creek volunteers go to Indian River to gather chum eggs for incubation in the new heath trays.
SpringZo Ann helps coordinate and attends third SEP Community Conference in Williams Lake.
Streamkeepers program begins.
SummerA half-stack of heath trays is installed in the hatchery building in preparation for chum salmon incubation.
Hatchery building is re-plumbed to accommodate a half-stack of heath trays, and a solar-powered pump back-up is installed to prevent stoppage of water flow during possible future landslides.
WinterWind storm causes tree to fall on hatchery building, coho eggs are moved to Seymour Hatchery to complete incubation
Spring Landslide fills in most of stream bed.
SummerWork crew helps to dig out stream after landslide.
District of North Vancouver names the reclaimed leachate ditch "Morten Creek"
SpringZo Ann is coordinator for 2nd SEP Community Conference held in Ioco, receives Deputy Minister Commendation
SpringAfter two years of incubating coho eggs in the exposed incubation box, the group decides to purchase and install a used shipping container for a "micro-hatchery" building. The container provides increased security, a location from which to run programs for the students of Lynnmour Community School, and storage space for tools used in on-going habitat enhancement.
Zo Ann attends first Salmonid Enhancement Program Community Conference in Port Hardy
SummerDue to security reasons, and overpopulation of coho fry, the enhancement project is moved to a small unnamed tributary at the north end of the Premiere Street landfill. A new aluminum in-ground incubation box is used, increasing capacity to 30,000 eggs.
An intake box is installed in the trib, and the outflow continues downstream to the former leachate ditch for the landfill.
Work is undertaken to rehabilitate the leachate ditch, to create salmon habitat.
FallParent volunteers from Lynnmour Community School install an in-stream incubation box in Keith Creek. 5,000 coho eggs are supplied by DFO.
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