Morten Creek SEP

We would like to recognize our sponsors, who, over the years, have found it worthwhile to partner with us

Royal Canadian Legion Branch 118

Funds donated to us by the Legion have been used to buy tools, supplies, and two major purchases of a generator, and the means to build a proper bridge.

Our original bridge was built on two railway ties, very low. As time went on, the route became slippery, and somewhat dangerous.

These two photos were taken from roughly the same spot.

Rudy and Greg are building the new bridge.

This side view shows the old stairs, over which we built.

The bridge has been in use for several years now, and increases accessability, for children, people with disabilities, and wheel barrows.

The most critical hatchery operations take place during the winter months, and, as we have no Hydro service, a generator is the only source available to us for electricity.

We are also able to use it during the building months in the summer, for power tools.

The Finishing Touches
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