Morten Creek SEP

We would like to recognize our sponsors, who, over the years, have found it worthwhile to partner with us

Rivers Day, Sept. 25, 2010

Thanks to our sponsor Pacific Western Brewing Company

Morten Creek Coho Incubation Box

Many thanks to the Pacific Salmon Foundation for joining in partnership with our community based volunteer enhancement facility, DFO and local community partners to design and fabricate our Coho incubation box. This new upwelling system was designed to support Morten Creek’s current egg incubation needs and is also able to expand production capabilities or reduce production, depending on the overall watershed needs of the Lynn Creek system.

Morten Creek Incubation Box Our volunteer hatchery workers assisted DFO with the design of this upwelling incubation box. The overall concept came from our existing Chum system which we have been successfully using for 18 years for both Coho and Chum egg incubation.
Morten Creek Incubation Box We installed the box and plumbed it in, in time for our Coho brood collection. Due to high waters in the Lynn we were unable to meet our targets for 2006. This gave us the opportunity to “test drive” the new system. We placed a known sample of Chum eggs into 3 of the 9 chambers. We have been tracking egg survival and watching for any hot spots. To date the box has preformed according to plan
Morten Creek Salmon Enhancement Project

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