We would like to recognize our sponsors, who, over the years, have found it worthwhile to partner with us

RBC Financial Group, Edgemont Branch

After the manager of this branch, Glenn Tanaka, heard about vandalism at our hatchery, they contacted us to see how they could help.

Family affair for RBC employees
In June of 2000, RBC volunteers turned out to help mark storm drains in Lynn Valley.
Releasing coho fry
After marking the storm drains, coho fry were released into some local streams.

RBC group shot An RBC family modelling the Morten Creek T-shirts

RBC had t-shirts made for their employees who volunteered with Morten Creek.
Egg Take Crew
Chum capture at the Indian River in November, 2001
Egg Take Central
Once captured, females are lined up, ready to take the eggs.
Taking milt from a male chum salmon
The milt is collected from the males right at creekside.

Royal Canadian
Legion Branch 118


Osprey Flyfishers Club