In November of 1999, Morten Creek suffered a significant landslide. Although landslides are not uncommon, this one was particularly bad.

The berm at the hatchery pond before the slide
The berm at the hatchery pond before the slide.
The berm at the hatchery pond after the slide
The berm at the hatchery pond after the slide.
Site of the landslide
Site of the landslide.
Looking downstream from the berm
Looking downstream from the berm.

Zo Ann receiving a donation from the Osprey Flyfishers Club

The Osprey Flyfishers Club made a donation the the Morten Creek SEP to help reclaim the creek. In September of 2001, volunteers from the community and RBC joined forces to rebuild the streambed and add more spawning areas, and more complex stream features.

Royal Bank of Canada Edgemont Village Branch


September 2001 Complexing