In November of 1999, Morten Creek suffered a significant landslide. Although landslides are not uncommon, this one was particularly bad.

The day after the landslide
The day after the landslide. Branches and debris miraculously blocked the mud from covering the main spawning channel in the creek
Two years after the landslide
Two years after the landslide. When left alone, streams have an incredible ability to rehabilitate themselves. However, we had a vision for more.
Newly dug pond
Step one - dig out new ponds
New berm and LWD
Step two - add gravel, berms and large woody debris.
Getting down and dirty
Now for the fun part. Unfortunately, machines can't do everything.
Newly dug channel
Newly dug channel.
Loading up the Scout
Step three - armour the stream banks with large rocks.
Carrying the rocks to the stream
Start the bucket brigade!.
Placing the rocks in the stream
Once at the stream, the rocks are placed along side the channel to keep the stream in it.
Greg and Randall conferring
A lot of rocks and backs are needed.
Mike working on the berm
All hands on deck! Mike continues placing gravel while the rip-rapping carries on.
The digging continues
The digging continues.
New stream and pool
Even though this pond has been dug out, much sediment remains. Eventually, the water will scour it out. Note the rocks ready for placement
A job well done
End of day, everyone is happy with their contribution.

Osprey Flyfishers


The finishing touches