Morten Creek SEP

This Page is Intended to Explain Our Procedures and the Science We Use

Bulk Weighing of Coho Salmon Fry

Instructions for the new weigh scale
Unsure about ATU's?

Hatchery Schematic

Water flow
A hatchery needs a reliable, consistent water source in order to successfully rear salmon. We have situated ourselves beside a small stream that we have found to flow all year round. Upstream of the hatchery, a small intake box draws water into the plumbing system. There are two valves, one to control the total flow into the building, and one to adjust the flow into the Heath trays. Optimal flow is between 15 and 20 seconds per 4 litres.

Outdoor Tubs

In the foreground is the round tub. We originally used this to hold adult coho spawners. We now keep the adults we catch inside, in the aluminum cap trough, so we now use it for primary silt filtration. The square tub in the background is also used to filter silt.

Incubation box. Capacity, 30,000 salmon eggs. The water flows through the two outdoor tubs, then enters the building. A "T" adapter splits the flow between this box and the Heath stack.

Incubation Box

New Incubation Box Incubation Box #2. Capacity, 40,000 salmon eggs. We are currently experimenting with this new design.
Interior of the hatchery. In the foreground is the aluminum holding trough, which is where we keep the juveniles after they hatch, waiting to be released. In the middleis the new incubaion box, in the very background is the main incubation box.

Hatchery interior

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